
The company, BMC Switzerland AG, operates websites and the services offered there for the companies comprising the entire BMC Group (BMC, SCOR, ADICTA LAB brands).


BMC Switzerland AG
Sportstrasse 49
2540 Grenchen


Phone number: +41 32 654 14 54
E-mail address:

Authorized Representatives

Erwin Steinmann

David Zurcher

Thomas Sommer

    Swiss Commercial Registry Entry

    Registered company name: BMC Switzerland AG

    Identification number: CHE-113.072.038 HR

    Commercial register office: Canton Solothurn

      Swiss VAT Number

      CHE-116.335.866 MWST

      Bank Account

      Bank: UBS AG, Bern

      Account holder: BMC Switzerland AG

      Clearing: 235


      IBAN for CHF: CH25 0023 5235 6901 4001 Y

      IBAN for EUR: CH80 0023 5235 6901 4002 B

      IBAN for USD: CH48 0023 5235 6901 4061 M

        Legal Notices for Customers from France

        The website is published by BMC Switzerland, SA, a foreign company under Swiss law with a capital of CHF 700,000, registered in the Swiss Register of Companies under the number CHE-113.072.038 IDE, CHE.

        The VAT number is: 116.335.866.

        Its head office is located at 49 Sportstrasse, 2540 Grenchen - Switzerland.

        Its representative is David Zurcher, as CEO.

        His VAT number is: FR33511538043.

        Ownership and Hosting of the Site / Contact

        BMC Switzerland AG
        Sportstrasse 49
        CH-2540 Grenchen

        Phone number: +41 32 654 14 54
        E-mail address:

        Online dispute resolution: From February 15, 2016, the European Commission is setting up an out-of-court dispute resolution platform. This gives consumers the opportunity to settle their disputes related to online orders without going through the legal process that involves courts and judges. This dispute resolution process is available via the link