Thomas' Playground

“Playground is a series of videos filmed in the French Alps between Savoie and Haute-Savoie, by photographer and friend, Jordan Rasoldier. Every episode features some of my favorite spots to hit for daily sessions.” – Thomas Del Gatto.

Part 1

The first session was shot at the Meyrieu Trail in Savoie, just above Aix-les-Bains. This spot is one of my all-time favorites in the region. It is perfect: the land, the forest, the trails... everything. It almost feels like speeding through the dreamy trails of a Canadian forest.

I've been riding these trails for 5 years now and was able to witness their evolution thanks to a motivated shaper team with a good vision of biking and trails. The result? Flowy and airy trails – completely inspiring!

Obviously, we needed to kick the series off with this spot. I climbed up, my tools ready, and got to work on some tracks that had deteriorated during the winter. What a joy to finally ride them again!

Come and join me in the first episode of Thomas’ Playground.

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Part 2

This Playground episode is very close to my heart. We filmed it exactly on the spot where it all started for me and my friends. We filmed this “at home”.

We have been riding in this forest for over 7 years, right next to my grandparents’ place, and we built these trails from ground up to create our perfect playground.

At the time, nothing existed. So, we needed to kick things off by shaping before being able to ride. Our passion for freeride mountain biking served as our motivation and kept us going.

An episode of Playground on our private spot not far from Annecy was a no brainer! The video speaks for itself…

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Part 3

Part 3 of the Playground series takes place in Mont Veyrier, France.

This mountain is closest to Annecy with many endless wild tracks to ride. No lift though, just nature. The perfect setting for my SCOR 4060 LT!

Lap after lap, that view of Annecy is unbeatable and the recipe for a successful session.

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Part 4

For the fourth and final episode, I decided to go in Morzine.

Why? Easy! I love this destination. It is where I spend all of my summer with my buddies.

I took my SCOR 4060 LT and its electric sibling, the 4060Z LT, to double the fun. With the two bikes, I was able to ride the Pleney and steep hills, as well as the Super Morzine with those flowy tracks.

Once at the top, nothing can beat that incredible setting. The contrast between the fall colors and the deserted resort creates a magical mountain atmosphere.

This is my new favorite Autumn playground.

What’s yours?

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